This version is only available on computer,

as you achieve the best functionality.


Load cell display & load cell panel meter

  • Wide assortment of display options
  • High intensity LED display: Easy to see from long distances and in bright daylight.
  • Suitable for other applications through analog and digital outputs.
  • 129,000 combination possibilities as standard solution

Running Line Tensiometer

Combined load indication and load limitation system for cranes and hoists with moving wires.

•   Highly accurate and reliable ± 1 % full scale accuracy

•   Very easy to prepare, install and use

•   Broad range of connection and mounting possibilities

•   Available in galvanised steel for corrosive environments

•   Wide assortment of display, amplifier, remote control and mounting accessories

Load pin

A load pin is a complete system of load cells configured as internally strain gauged pins in stainless steel for highly accurate load indication and load limitation. Load pins are designed and configured to exact specifications as direct replacements for load bearing pins in lifting equipment.

•   Range 0.1T to 1000T

•   Highly accurate and reliable < 0.1 %

•   Multiple choices of output signal

•   Designed and configured to exact


•   Wide assortment of amplifier, display and

     remote control options


A crane dynamometer is a tension link load cells designed for under hook crane weighing, proof load testing and crane & hoist calibration.

•   Capacity: 3.25 – 600T

•   Highly accurate and reliable ±0.2 % full scale accuracy

•   Very clear red digit LED display for high visibility

•   IP67 ideal for wet/humid environments

•   Robust high strength steel construction for use in hostile environments

•   Designed and manufactured in Denmark for high quality assurance

Static Line Tensionmeter

En Static Line Tensionmeter, er en elektronisk lastindikation og lastbegrænsningssystem til hejseanordninger og kraner.

  • Høj nøjagtighed og pålidelighed ± 1 %
  • Bredt udvalg af tilslutnings- og monteringsmuligheder
  • Elektronisk klemmeløsning til universel pasform
  • Bredt udvalg af display, forstærker og fjernbetjeningsmuligheder
  • Kompakt størrelse for en minimal reduktion af løftehøjden


Industrial facilities are high-intensity work environments with special operational and safety requirements. They often operate in high risk and harsh environments, which is especially challenging. Therefore, visual information is key for monitoring and safeguarding processes.

•   Automated alarms through object tracking and detection

•   Recording of operations or specific events

•   Dedicated CCTV solutions for any operational challenge

•   Suitable for harsh environments; available in Ex and Non-Ex

•   Any type of application: platform, crane, offshore, wind, subsea